Wisdom. Strength.

Joseph J. Shawn, Jr.

From the East


We are embarking on an exciting journey to deepen our community involvement and build a lasting legacy. By strengthening our ties with local organizations and spearheading projects that address community needs, we aim to ensure that Thomson Lodge remains a beacon of support and fellowship for generations to come. Join us in our mission to create a more connected and thriving community.

As I write this, I am reminded of the ancient symbol of the beehive—a symbol that resonates deeply with the values and purpose of our Masonic Lodge. The beehive represents industry, unity, and cooperation, qualities that are at the heart of our fraternity. Within a beehive, each bee has its role, contributing tirelessly to the common good. Our Lodge is a beehive of activity, where each of us brings our unique talents, strengths, and dedication. Together, we build a better community, support one another in our personal and spiritual growth, and extend our hands to those in need. It is through our collective effort that we create something greater than ourselves.

Let us continue to draw inspiration from the beehive, working diligently and harmoniously, ever striving to be of service to humanity. Thank you for the opportunity to serve Thomson Lodge for a second time, I look forward to an outstanding year ahead.

Joseph J. Shawn, Jr.

— Joseph J. Shawn, Jr., P.M., W.M.

Making Good Men Better

Freemasonry strives to promote a way of life that binds men together in a worldwide brotherhood. It transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences in order to promote positive changes in the world.

Men of good moral character are encouraged to join.

If you would like to learn more, click below.

Making Good Men Better
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Whether you are a traveling Brother, someone who is interested in becoming a Freemason, or a non-Mason interested in attending one of our public events, we gladly welcome you to visit our Lodge.

Our Stated Meeting is on the second Wednesday of each month.